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jueves, 11 abril 2019

Emotional shock

NV-IMP1006.jpgThe nurse just left saying the doctor will come soon. I don't know what I'm doing here. In my camera there are photos of a pub called 'Virgins and Castle'.

I was taking pictures in Kenilworth for a magazine who asked for images of old pubs. As in that place there was one opened in 1563, I went through the streets following the path I had traveled years ago to find, in that pub, the one that is now my wife.

If there were at pictures of well-known people in my camera or a phone number to call and ask for help.

- 'Mr. Dudley, how do you feel today,' the tall man told me.

- 'Well, thank you, what happened?,' I asked.

- You have suffered an accident, you've received a strong physical and emotional shock that has left you without memory.

- Whoa, who hurt me?

- The Bréxit.

- What's that?

sábado, 28 julio 2018

Grandpa and grandchild

NV-IMP1003.jpgOnce upon a time Leon, who is almost two years old, but does not know it, and his grandfather, who has many more years and knows it very well, used to go to the park to play (before lunch or after the nap).

Leon likes sequences and loops. They always collect leaves along the way, go to the slides and swings, pick up stones, sticks or sand in a bucket with a shovel and rake.

He no longer takes out his plush rabbit, since one day he lost it and Dad had to go and look for him so the child could sleep. Luckily he found it! Now the plush rabbit awaits him at home very quiet.

Leon likes big trees with fat roots that stand out. He stops on them, hits the trunk with a pebble as if it were a door, jumps from the roots to the lawn and gives a couple of turns to the tree while speaking in his baby language. He repeats it several times until something different catches his attention.

In the park there is a corner with chickens, ducks and goats. Leon knows the noise that those animals make as well as others like the cows, horses, donkeys, cats and dogs.

For him to accept going home, his grandfather has to be very clever to convince him because Leon would like to stay there all day. For instance, on the way home, Grandpa gives him one or two cookies so he can forget the park while sitting in his stroller.

The routine changes a little each day with a different park or tree or children, but Leon always enjoys those walks.

And if the story does not seem to you too long, we will tell it again and again. Once upon a time...

domingo, 13 mayo 2018

¡Venga le echo un cuento! Bogotá en 100 palabras

Bogotaen100palabras.jpgCien cuentos de cien palabras sobre Bogotá. Autores de todos los barrios y edades. La vida real e imaginaria condensada en una página. Muy bien. ¿Qué hubiera escrito yo? ¿Un instante de la vida de un paseador de perros en un parque o del reciclador de basura que escarba para escoger los papeles, cartones, botellas, latas y otros desechos que pueda recuperar o los cuidadores de autos de mi calle que se sienten dueños de ella y deciden quién y dónde se va a estacionar hasta que de milagro aparezca un policía y los haga salir corriendo? Nunca lo sabré.
